We, the residents of Sunset Park and Borough Park, want to beautify our neighborhood. We are seeking a place to grow our own vegetables and flowers, host educational workshops and artistic events, and learn to be ecologically responsible.
The empty garden lots adjacent to the historic 9th avenue subway station have been a dirty and overgrown eyesore for more then 10 years.
Rather then asking the MTA to maintain and improve the site themselves, we propose to work in tandem with the MTA and New York City Parks Dept to create a community garden to give residents and visitors alike a place to enjoy the beauty of nature.
We envision: organic grape vines and squash, pea plants, flowers and flowering trees, vegetables, herbs, and fruit, children's educational workshops for the neighboring schools, curated exhibits of sculpture, garden parties, a CSA (community supported agriculture) pick-up location, bio-remediation and organic gardening workshops for adults, and much much more..